Introduction to Laser Tattoo Removal

The decision to remove a tattoo may not be an easy one. Whether it is for professional purposes, to remove symbols of your past, or to correct an artistic change of heart, Some people want their tattoo completely gone, while others prefer to lighten the tattoo with a few treatments in preparation for a cover-up. We make the process of fading or complete removal as safe, painless and as affordable as possible. Picosecond and Q-switched lasers are better because they remove the tattoo while minimizing damage to the skin. They work by causing the ink in the skin to “fracture”. These smaller ink particles are then removed by the body’s immune system. The tattoo is faded gradually with each treatment, so multiple treatments are required.


The discomfort of laser tattoo removal is often described as a “rubber band snapping the skin” but can vary from patient to patient. We do our utmost to minimize any pain or discomfort possible. We use a skin-cooling (cold air blower) to cool the area being treated. We also use high-strength topical numbing cream which is highly effective.


Every tattoo responds differently due to a number of variables. There are variations in ink colors and their chemical compositions, depth and density of ink placement, skin type and individual immune system factors. Predicting how many treatments any particular tattoo will require is an educated guess. However, in general, faded, amateur tattoos that are black can come off in as little as 5 treatments, whereas professional tattoos can take more than a dozen and some are not completely removable. Certain colors, such as yellow, pink and white are difficult to remove.*


Tattoo fading is a slow process and depends on participation by your body’s immune system to work. We recommend that you wait at least 4-6 weeks to get the greatest value from each laser treatment.

Aftercare Instructions For Laser Tattoo Removal!

  1. Your skin is likely to experience some frosting in the area where the treatment took place. The heat from the laser can cause gas or plasma to form and carbon dioxide to be released from the skin, which causes the frosting. Your skin that may swell. There may also be some redness right after the treatment. You can take Tylenol or ibuprofen to reduce the symptoms. You can also use a cold compress. Aspirin should be avoided.
  2. A dressing will be applied immediately after your laser treatment. This should stay in place for at least eight to 12 hours. After the dressing is removed, you will want to clean that area two times a day using a mild soap and water. You can pat the area dry in a gentle way.
  3. It is common for medical professionals to recommend a healing serum to be applied to the area that received treatment twice a day for at least three days after the treatment. This will soothe the skin and promote healing. A bandage should not be applied during this time.
  4. You do not want to disturb the skin while it is going through the healing process. You may see blisters form. You do not want to pop these blisters. Scabs are also likely to form. Be sure that you do not pick at, rub, or scratch them. If you do notice that a blister starts to ooze, a dressing may be applied. It should be changed twice a day until the drainage stops.
  5. You should avoid shaving or waxing the area that received treatment until the skin is completely healed.
  6. Besides the healing serum that was recommended by the practitioner , no other lotions, creams, or makeup should be applied to the area during the first couple of days after the treatment.
  7. Avoid swimming, using a hot tub, and going to the sauna until the skin has completely healed.
  8. Avoid activities that will cause excessive sweating during the first two to seven days after treatment. Exercise and other physical activities can cause you to sweat, which can disrupt the healing process.
  9. After the initiate healing phase, you want to apply sunscreen to your skin. It should be at least 25 SPF or higher.
  10. Monitor your skin to make sure that it is healing properly.